• Learned something new in the waiting room: Animated pixel art via iPhone. 
  • Told my doctor that the sleeping pills I use are tears, where i cry so much my head hurts and pass out. she thinks iā€™m charming.
  • I held the elevator for a mother and her kid (KG?). He was treated for something in his eyes, and she was putting his sick leave in his school uniform's pocket, and kept repeating "Show this to your teacher, ok habibi? Don't forget. Yallah, let's go, we need to find a taxi". The kid tiredly nodded. I remembered what my mother went through when we were kids, and my father wasn't around to drive us places. I wish I offered to give them a ride.
  • The tree in front of my favorite Korean restaurant isn't there anymore. 
  • I'm taunted by the amount of unread books that I own, but without hesitation, I set an alarm the moment I saw the book fair's billboard.