Young, rich, and obsessed with death, Harold finds himself changed forever when he meets lively septuagenarian Maude at a funeral



Last night, my sister asked me for glue & my favorite glitter, when I asked her why, she said it was for her nails. A couple of hours later, she walks into my room saying "I made you something". 

I know it's mad awkward for us to say this to each other IRL but, I love you, ok? cool. 


After a long day of running errands, I went for a walk to enjoy what's left of this nice weather. Winter, you shall be missed. 


WEEK 1 - 2016

I decided to start my 366 days of creative projects/photographs with recycling old blurry polaroids. I started drawing on them, but then realized I can add a little more by adding glitter. 


A love story set in a dystopian near future where single people are arrested and transferred to a creepy hotel. There they are obliged to find a matching mate in 45 days.

ANALOG JOURNALING - snippets of 2015

I've always wanted to journal, but before 2015, I would take it up for a week or so, then quit. 2015 was the year of journaling. Meshari introduced me to this Japanese travel journal, that had a system and it appealed to me. I bought a midori and it was one of the best 2015 investments. 

I'd like to believe this journal helped me when I wanted to do something creative but felt uninspired/stuck. It also reminded me that memories can be documented in any way we see fit. Flipping through both notebooks now was a real treat. Can't wait for future me to flip through them. 


I've been a citizen of the internet for a really long time, and by citizen, I mean a disgustingly avid user who wants to learn, and see everything the world wiLD web has to offer. Last year, this changed. I changed. I started going out more, I took up other hobbies, I started creating more, journaling, exploring, & documenting. I don't think I'm as shy as I used to be, but definitely a huge improvement from tearing up in public because a woman said my eyeliner looked good. I say this because, semi-getting over my shyness, was the reason I met & got to know beautiful people, who also like to create, experience and explore. Choosing to constantly surround myself with beauty, wonder, knowledge & incredible humans has been the best thing that happened in 2015. 

Thank you 5 senses, thank you ears' & sound waves for all those collabs, thank you watercolors for making me hold brushes again, thank you japan for your midoris, thank you poetry events for good days that got me through the month , thank you strangers for your smiles & conversations, thank you family for just being, thank you friends (old, new, online & IRL), thank you lovers for your unconditional love & support, thank you cloudy days for the best natural lighting for selfies and thank you torrents for doing what you do & being the reason I'm not completely broke. 

Here's to a new year filled with wonder, kindness, beauty, good company, adventures & knowledge.